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Raising Children in Alaska

Raising Kids In Petersburg A little kid is selling garnets at the ferry terminal.  A tourist amazed at the down pour says to the kid,“Does it always rain like this?” “I don’t know, Mister I’m only six years old.” First let me say this has been a great place to...

High Island Inbound - Naming Your Own Land Marks in Alaska

High Island Inbound   My first day in the helicopter we had customers to pick up in Wrangell, Alaska.  My pilot and a coworker quizzed me out the local landmarked for flight following purposes. “What is that high island over there?” “Kadin” I replied promptly having studied the map for...

The Smell of Money

The Smell of Money The first thing people notice when they move here is the smell of money.  It smells like a minus four foot low tide, or the four canneries  processing fish  or on a rare occasion herring spawning in the harbor. When I first moved here “Herring was...

A Dungeness Crab and then Hypothermia?

A Smoldering Little Heater   My buddy and I went trolling for King salmon off Hungry Point.  We had lead weights, flashers, herring we had jigged for bait and 130 fathoms of fishing line on each pole.  Jonny ( future founder of Alaska Seafood Guys) had a light-weight trout pole...

64 Days of Rain. Welcome to Southeast Alaska

Sixty-Four Days of Rain   When I first moved to Petersburg, Alaska it rained everyday (at least part of it) for sixty-four days straight. The first week, my dog spent the day in the truck because she wasn’t use to the house yet. So, after work I took her for...

Why I Don't Jog in Alaska Anymore

I Don’t Jog Anymore Back in the day my helicopter pilot and I worked all over Southeast Alaska.  I jogged then.  We worked long days but in the land of the midnight sun there was still plenty of daylight to go for a run after work. The first day we...

The Challenges of Travel in Alaska

The Logistics of Travel in Alaska   Logistics are a little challenging in Southeast Alaska. The facts that it rains thirteen feet a year, we are all on islands and that no roads connect might be a big part of the problem. But, one rare nice day my friends helped...

The First Time I was Charged by a Bear

A Brown Bear was Charging Me   We parked on an amazing sand bar beneath a massive waterfall on the Bradfield River, south of Ketchikan Alaska.  The pilot, myself and two crew members  just finished lunch and started wandering around the noisy rapids watching salmon on their way up river...